Menopause and postmenopause can be a huge adjustment which can impact sleep, anxiety levels, physical health, and emotional wellbeing. Reflexology is a well-researched and gentle way to manage menopausal symptoms and stress. It can be safely used alongside HRT.
Menopause is a singular event, defined as the day when you have not had a menstrual period for 12 months. Every day thereafter is defined as postmenopause.
For most postmenopausal women, the symptoms of perimenopause, such as hot flushes and mood swings, may continue to be bothersome for quite some time. While these may stabilise as our wildly fluctuating hormones eventually drop, there are other health issues which may begin to crop up as we age.
Reflexology can be a safe and effective intervention for older women to improve their quality of life, reduce psychological symptoms, and relieve pain and tension.
Mood swings and white hot rage are a common feature of perimenopause. In postmenopause, we may be dealing with different emotional issues. Depression and anxiety are sadly common. Reflexology can help to support mental health in postmenopausal women. It can lead to a state of deep relaxation and induce feelings of wellbeing.
As oestrogen levels drop, so our bone density and muscle mass can suffer. This can lead to a range of aches, pains and injuries. Reflexology is an evidence-based treatment for pain, and can promote healing and recovery by improving blood flow.
Unfortunately, the drop in oestrogen that causes reduced muscle mass and function also effects the muscles on the inside. Our bowels, bladders, and reproductive organs can all suffer reduced function and sometimes even prolapse. Reflexology can support the blood flow to these areas, easing symptoms and promoting better functioning.
Reflexology can improve sleep quality in postmenopausal women, especially those plagued by restless legs syndrome.
As our bones and muscles weaken with age and dropping hormones, we can become more vulnerable to falls. Reflexology improves circulation and can help improve balance and flexibility.